If you have tried over and over again to lose weight, enjoying some success perhaps but finding that life takes over and it your weight loss just doesn’t last, or you feel that there are some emotional issues that stand between you and yourself at your ideal healthy weight, why not talk to me about losing weight gently and easily through hypnotherapy? I have been working for many years with clients who have carried the mental and physical burdens of excess weight for too long and who have found in hypnotherapy a way for them to regain control and enjoy their food and their physical selves again.
I use a long-established form of hypnotherapy called “gastric band hypnotherapy” which works simply by helping you to feel full with less food, so allowing you to lose weight without the discomfort of hunger pangs and the temptation to eat under stress.
Together we’ll address the issues leading you to gain weight and keep it on, and work through them to personal, tailored solutions.
If you’ve been considering gastric band surgery, this could be the non-invasive, effective alternative you have been looking for.
Why not get in touch with me to discuss your weight loss needs and explore what hypnotherapy with me has to offer you? If you would like to discuss your needs, you can get in touch with me via my contact page, email me on julietemerson@gmail.com, or telephone me on 01223 263683/0776 2229500.